

Supporting Member
I posted this recently in the What Are You Working On thread, but I am finished now and will give him his own thread. This little guy I suppose is considered on the spectrum but he is very intelligent in many ways and can remember everyone he has ever met. Calls them by name and remembers what they do and who they are related to. He can tell you the scores of all the basketball and football games in our town all the way back into the 60s and 70s. He is an icon in our town and is known by everyone. He is now in Hospice though, and doesn't have a long time. Everyone loves him. I'm making the portrait and planning to donate it to the athletic department at the school, so he can always be at the games.
Gene finis.jpg
That is a wonderful accolade.
His smile expresses his whole attitude.
It's a beautifully done portrait.
Wow! This turned out spectacular! You even have his eyes smiling, and you can tell what a sweet man he is in every line in his face. How do you do that? You must have a deep love of your subjects when you work on them, or at least you are able to put that across in the work. SO well done sno. ♥️ 🌹
Wow! This turned out spectacular! You even have his eyes smiling, and you can tell what a sweet man he is in every line in his face. How do you do that? You must have a deep love of your subjects when you work on them, or at least you are able to put that across in the work. SO well done sno. ♥️ 🌹
Thank you so much Arty. ❤️ When I am just painting a portrait from a photo of someone I don't know, I just have to copy the photo and hope for the best, but when I know the subject personally, it is easier to make sure I am getting the likeness and personality. You can't know this little guy and not love him.
This is great work- having worked closely with such folks, I can tell you've captured a terrific likeness, and he does look to be a happy person, who really enjoys being around other people. This is a terrific portrait!
This is great work- having worked closely with such folks, I can tell you've captured a terrific likeness, and he does look to be a happy person, who really enjoys being around other people. This is a terrific portrait!
Thank you Jae. ❤️ He is and he does. It is so sad to think that we won't be seeing him around town.
This is so touching, Sno, and what a generous gift this will be so all can remember this beloved man. Your work on this is just exceptional!
This is so touching, Sno, and what a generous gift this will be so all can remember this beloved man. Your work on this is just exceptional!
Thank you Donna. I will let you all know how it was accepted at the school.
Such a special portrait, Sno! You’ve definitely captured the joy in his personality. Exceptional painting.
Such a special portrait, Sno! You’ve definitely captured the joy in his personality. Exceptional painting.
Thank you Sanlynn. ❤️ I hope I did capture at least some of his joy, he is very special.
I posted this on Facebook and got hundreds of comments and over 20 shares on it. Many of them were memories that people had of things he had said in the past. I also got a nice thank you card from the school. So it may have been donated but I feel richly paid.