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  1. drizzlewither

    Hello again - coming back after long absence

    I've been dithering over whether to post in "welcome" board or this one. I swear there used to be a big ol' "what have you been doing lately" thread which would surely be the best place rather than making an entirely new thread, but I can't find it. I don't recall why I initially stopped...
  2. drizzlewither

    What are you working on?

    Really liking that aerial thing Artyczar even if you're not so keen on how it's going. I think it's very attractive - I like the pale roads a lot! Something about the stronger division splitting it up into all patterned fragments like a quilt... I don't have any idea how to talk about this...
  3. drizzlewither

    What are you working on?

    Oh I love that style of work. I'll be watching for the finished version :)
  4. drizzlewither

    Favorite Works vs Your Own Work

    OK lemme just lower the cultural tone in here a few dozen levels I look to comics as my strongest influence but the comics I have most adored do not have the visual style I want to draw. My top two Joe Sacco's Palestine/Footnotes in Gaza and Derf Backderf's My Friend Dahmer, very much an indie...
  5. drizzlewither

    What are you working on?

    Hit the halfway point on 100 Heads. Yep head study no.50 today. I am being a little braver... rather than doing random DeviantART stock models I looked up some actors for the most recent three. It's one thing to be able to construct a convincing head, it's another to do a convincing expression...
  6. drizzlewither

    Patch - Inktober 2021

    oh man that is some nice texture work. So clean and strong - and consistent! Must have taken a while. Drop shadow is a sneaky clever touch too. I was legit confused for an instant "is this a photo of, wait no it can't be... what?"
  7. drizzlewither

    Slither - Inktober 2021

    Copics! Hey cool! I use markers too sometimes. What paper is this on? Nice clean work, clean lines, the addition of values make him come to life :)
  8. drizzlewither

    What are you working on?

    Getting itchy about sequential art right now. I used to do fan-comics for videogames (Sonic the Hedgehog!!!), this is going back a long way, kid stuff. Drawn digitally or inked with pen (poorly) and scanned in to color with definitely-not-stolen Photoshop. Suddenly I miss it. The fun of laying...
  9. drizzlewither

    Making Greeting Cards from Artwork

    Oh gawrsh you guys I'm gonna get a big head hahahaa Well I liked doing it and am grateful to my requester for giving me the opportunity to have a go - though it was a surprisingly hefty amount of work for one card, and if I paid myself minimum wage I certainly wouldn't have saved money over...
  10. drizzlewither

    What are you working on?

    35/100. Had hoped to be further along by this point but at least one head is getting drawn each day as long as I'm at home with access to my stuff. Also doing a little bit of extracurricular figure/anatomy study every ten heads. I've got several DeviantART stock accounts bookmarked for source...
  11. drizzlewither

    Making Greeting Cards from Artwork

    Hey Hawkmoth I stole your aesthetic :) :) :) I'd call this a "commission" except it was just a family member asked me to do it because she couldn't find one she liked and no I didn't get paid hahahaha. The intended recipient is not my aunt but she is family. Always had dogs (border collies)...
  12. drizzlewither

    Some pics from my travel book (mixed media)

    The book is a watercolor moleskine. It doesn't get used as much as it should - I've had it a couple of years now - but finally there's not many pages left and I hope to fill it soon. I draw in pen - generally sketch with a light grey or sepia then put the firm lines on with black. Color is...
  13. drizzlewither

    What are you working on?

    Well that pic of the ship (Cutty Sark) I posted early in the "next sketch" thread was from the Holiday Book. I think you put a like on it :) I'll try to remember to scan a couple of the recent ones sometime today. I guess they'd most appropriately go in Mixed Media and/or Journaling & Sketchbooks
  14. drizzlewither

    Please educate me on acrylics - I need to buy some

    I've been using some pots that were in a drawer for 10 years, they are definitely somewhat past their best. I use them anyway despite gloopiness but they are going down and eventually I am going to need more. I can't get this make (Pip Seymour) anywhere locally or from the catalogue company that...
  15. drizzlewither

    What are you working on?

    Just got back from a week long trip caring for disabled family member. Hard work and rather depressing. I couldn't keep on with my 100 Heads Challenge discipline while I was there so instead I did a drawing each day in my Holiday Book - which is so called because it only comes out during trips...
  16. drizzlewither

    Duck in a hurry

    Tried to convey two things at once. I think I should have focused on one (hindsight...). I stop to look at this little canal in the park quite a lot. I liked the way you can see the plants like dark clouds under the water and I also liked the ripple patterns the duck was making. Alcohol...
  17. drizzlewither

    What are you working on?

    That's way beyond my pay grade, I know nothing about concrete sculpture, closest I've come to sculpture in general is making a puppet for a stop-motion. But what a cool project. I went in the sculpture forum and looked at some of your other works, very impressed! I'm sure you already know all...
  18. drizzlewither

    Self taught

    I wasn't much of an artist as a kid. Barely even drew as kids do. I used to trace--yes trace--My Little Ponies out of pony comics and recolor them. That was the extent of my creativity. Got into drawing as a teenager with internet fandom stuff when we all wanted to make our own Original...
  19. drizzlewither

    Making Greeting Cards from Artwork

    Dang you guys these are great. A while back I toyed with the idea of handing out some Xmas ATCs as an alternative to cards but didn't like the work I came up with and bottled out. Donna T those plant cards are nuts I adore them!! Hawkmoth how do you print the paintings? Do you do it yourself...
  20. drizzlewither

    another friday face

    "only" 72? I wish I had so many! This is really nice, I love the way you've done the hair with the squiggling marks, that texture, and the little sneaky bit of red in the shadow side is just *chef's kiss*. So marker first then coming back in for the lineart? I'm going to make a note of that. I...