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  1. Flowercat

    Inspiration in Unexpected Places

    These pictures are absolutely beautiful
  2. Flowercat


    Great atmosphere in this little drawing. It looks beautiful.
  3. Flowercat

    Another weird little collage

    It’s really beautiful . I love the mixture of more transparent with the opaque paper.
  4. Flowercat

    Rockin' Rockaway (xpost plein air)

    Both are nice, but I love that second one. The colors in it are just amazing
  5. Flowercat


    Looks absolutely stunning
  6. Flowercat

    Recent art that you liked

    These are stunning, for sure
  7. Flowercat

    Street-food Stall

    Looks amazing, Great use of shadows and colors
  8. Flowercat

    The Last Will and Testament of Robert Hill - collage on 3 canvases (long!)

    What a pice and what a meaning. A the little details, it is an amazing work of art. As someone with a difficult family history too, I understand that dealing with it is difficult.
  9. Flowercat

    New Construction

    I love it. The colors, the composition , the shading all great
  10. Flowercat

    Watercolour seaside

    Such a nice painting. I love all the little details
  11. Flowercat

    Art & Fashion

    The artist that really got me personally into fashion in art for the first time was Leyendecker. It’s an really interesting connection, how fashion shaped art and how art shaped fashion. These things are undeniable linked together Your posts here are really inspiring. Makes me want to explore...
  12. Flowercat

    Something unusual

    Something slightly more realistic this time around and I wasn’t even trying. I love when paintings come this easy to to me, these are always the most enjoyable. For the sketch I used a reference, but not while painting. I only used gouache and no metallic colors this time around, which is...
  13. Flowercat

    A succulent Bedroom (+Process)

    I really appreciated all your nice comments and Feedback. Thank you all. I’m glad you all seem to like this painting just as much as I do
  14. Flowercat

    Orange Poppy in Watercolor - Xpost from Watermedia

    Stunning. Love the contrast and the suptle depth it has
  15. Flowercat


    Wow. These are stunning.
  16. Flowercat


  17. Flowercat

    Favorit pages

    The first one. I used just some pictures I found online and changed them up a bit
  18. Flowercat

    Favorit pages

    The first one.
  19. Flowercat

    Favorit pages

    I have done a few more sketches in my sketchbook and thought I share them here too . For this one I used a reference For the ohter two I didn’t not use one
  20. IMG_2074.jpeg

