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  1. RWSewell

    Golden Macaw

    Seems lately that my work, especially in terms of media and materials, has been drifting all over the place. Makes sense to start posting my paper cutting in the mixed media forum. This started as a simple paper cutting but I really wanted to push the color saturation, almost to appear as...
  2. Golden Macaw 1.JPG

    Golden Macaw 1.JPG

  3. RWSewell

    Golden Elephants

    Continueing on my current theme of incorporating gold foil in my graphic paper cuttings, I just finished this handsome pair. This project could have gone in some many directions as I was working on this. Gave serious thought to just using black and gold on white but decided in the end to mount...
  4. RWSewell

    The Next Sketch Is

    Next up: a night scene
  5. RWSewell

    Golden Monarch

    I was recently inspired to create a triptych of butterflies done in a papercut approach similar to my 'Yawning Tiger' and 'Golden Panda' in my Two Paper Cuttings thread. I wanted these butterflies to shimmer from across the room. Here is the first of the three, 'Golden Monarch'. Considering the...
  6. RWSewell

    Composer John Williams portrait

    Following on the heels of my Stephen King portrait, I recently completed a grey-value portrait of film composer John Williams. Even at the age of 90, he continues his musical contribution to cinematic visions both grand and intimate. For this portrait, I found an image online that was best...
  7. RWSewell

    The Next Sketch Is

    Yep, the swan is paper...and missing his tail feathers. (If I posted this one already, I apologize) Next, an antique car.
  8. RWSewell

    The Next Sketch Is

    Next one is an artist's choice.
  9. RWSewell

    The way back is through

    Like all the small details, keeps you looking for more.
  10. RWSewell

    Don't you Hate it When ...

    Don't you hate it when you're using a craft knife and the blade doesn't go where you want it to go...and Band-Aids become involved? ...Paper artist hazard :D
  11. RWSewell

    The Next Sketch Is

    Will iron suffice...? :) Let's see some more metal!
  12. RWSewell

    Good Morning in Little Rhody!

    Welcome from a fellow Little Rhody. I enjoyed your photographs of Providence and Roger Williams Park, I've done likewise of the area. Looking forward to seeing your paintings. ~ Rob
  13. RWSewell

    Author Stephen King portrait

    Thank you everyone. This was a fun return to portraiture, something I've turned away from for many years. Terri ~ "Quirky and fun." That was exactly what I was going for. Unfortunately drawing a young Stephen King meant drawing a full beard!
  14. RWSewell

    Pretty Providence Places

    Waterfire can be quite nice on a warm night and Roger Williams Park is a beautiful place to photograph. :)
  15. RWSewell

    Author Stephen King portrait

    Took a couple of WIP images along the way. Foolishly enough, I saved the eyes for last!
  16. RWSewell

    Author Stephen King portrait

    To mix up my current output of paper sculptures, I thought I'd try a colored pencil portrait. Using Prismacolor pencils and working in grey scale, I did a fan art portrait of author Stephen King. Anyone who knows me knows of my lifelong enjoyment of his work. I went with 18" x 24" to capture a...
  17. RWSewell

    What are you working on?

    Great projects in the works. :) It's been a long while since I've done a portrait, having too much fun with the paper sculptures. Thought I'd do a piece of fan art to clear up the cobwebs on my colored pencils. This is the author Stephen King, done in gray scale. I've (foolishly) saved the eyes...
  18. RWSewell

    Professional Artists you Admire

    As a paper sculptor, when people ask who inspires my art, I direct them to the works of Calvin Nicholls and Jeff Nishinaka. Very different approaches but goes to show the versatility of paper art.
  19. RWSewell

    Blindness to the Flaws in Your Art?

    Oh, ain't THAT the truth! Being a portrait artist, I would second Donna's suggestion of turning the piece upside down for self-critique. When you remove the familiar relationships of facial features, you'll become much more objective.
  20. RWSewell

    The Next Sketch Is

    Next, let's get some dogs in the mix :)