Let's Just Call it Finished, Mom


Supporting Member
I've had this oval frame and canvas for years and just wanted to put something on it. I may decide later to paint something else over it but I had fun.

This is brilliant, Sno! I love it!

Please, always follow through on your "fun ideas." ;)
I love this(anche se il gattino ha squarciato la tela,ma che gattino dispettoso ,é un dipinto meraviglioso ),
wonderfull and funny
I have a piece I want to put in an oval frame and then into a trompe l'oeil in a bigger frame. I just see it in my mind's eye and never do much about it- but still, I see it.

This idea of yours for your frame is marvelous- quirky and cute, and well-executed. It's terrific work.
I have a piece I want to put in an oval frame and then into a trompe l'oeil in a bigger frame. I just see it in my mind's eye and never do much about it- but still, I see it.

This idea of yours for your frame is marvelous- quirky and cute, and well-executed. It's terrific work.
Thank you Julie. Just take the bull by the horns and get that painting going. I can't tell you how many years I looked at that oval frame and canvas, thinking I should paint it. I will probably do some more to it someday. (and ruin it) :giggle: