Troubled Landscape II and III

Donna T

Well-known member
I wanted to do an abstract landscape and it wanted to go its own way so I let it and then did another one of the same theme. I'm pretty sure the frustration I feel at not being able to paint as often as I'd like due to health problems came out in these. Oh well, at least I can say I have a little experience with expressionism. Both are acrylic in a watercolor sketchbook, 7x10 and 7x7


I can completely relate to health issues and painting. That being said, I think you are waaaay too hard on yourself. I love both of these. I love the contrast between the striking movement of the water and clouds and the stillness of the water (that's what I see anyway). Your color choices are really interesting too - I wonder if the reds represent your turmoil with the paintings? Your color choices speak volumes to me. I think both are beautiful
In the first I see your blood boiling but the second is the clearing. The trouble is opening and there is light in the sky, peace on the water, and someone lost is travelling a shore line with their dog. There is a lady in white shaded purple with a headband and glasses who seems to be lending a hand. There is a calming.

It really is a great abstract to hold that story and endless more for others who take a moment and study what they see. The color allotments are simply gorgeous to gaze on.
These are both very nice, but the second is extraordinary. I love the way the light seems to be emerging from the clouds in the distance. It might be after a storm: love it!
Wow, clouds of noxious vapors in a hellscape in the first one. And I agree that there seems to be an emergence into a better atmosphere in the second. Both are amazing!
Yes, they are abstract, but with a little imagination, the viewer can turn them quite realistic. They are very, very interesting. Love them. ❤️
I think they came out great. You are clearly expressing something strong in these; the emotional content or context is visible. Good going, Donna!
Donna, you are wonderfully talented and your abstracts are better than you think they are. I'm sorry for your health issues - you know I can relate to that completely! Several of us here can, too. ❤️

Your palettes are exquisite. The intensity is mind blowing. I just adore your work!
CaliAnn - I'm sorry to hear that health issues impact your ability to make art too. It's so hard when you get excited to try something and your body says no way. I think you are right about my use of red in these; turmoil, frustration, anger ... it's all there! Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

Aspenman - thank you!

Wayne - I am fascinated by all the things you see in these! I was not in a good place when I did these and I like knowing that the second painting has a sense of peace and hope. Thanks about the colors. They are bold and not my usual choices but they definitely got the point across better than my usual quiet neutrals.

Susan - It's interesting how some see a storm leaving instead of as threatening to hit at any second. Thank you.

Lamar - I like your "clouds of noxious vapors in a hellscape." I never thought I'd agree with that about my own work but it fits! Thanks so much.

Sno - thanks. It was hard to keep them purely abstract once I saw clouds, rocks, etc. I tend to create stories in my head and go from there.

Bart - I wish I could express sunshine and butterflies but these are better than nothing for now! Thank you.

Zen - I guess it's a good thing these aren't too believable. The weather guys on the news would be hyperventilating! Thanks.

Terri - Isn't it hard to want to make art when it's just impossible some days? If only I could be as passionate about something else, stamp collecting maybe. I'm guessing that for many of us the days when we can do artwork are really special and we won't ever take them for granted again. Thank you for all the kind words.
These are EXCELLENT! I must say that I am IN LOVE with that top one. There is something absolutely extraordinary about it. It is stellar in every single way. I would buy it if I saw it in a gallery (and had the funds). It's spectacular! ♥️
Love them both.
If I had the second picture in my home, I would hang it differently every week.
It works from any viewpoint.
Thank you Ayin and Dave! How nice of you to say that these are worthy of hanging. I haven't even shown them to my family because they are so "out there."
These are both beautiful! I love the colours in both and I see quite a lot in them. The second one in particular is gorgeous.
You know that I know zero about abstracts. The colors and movement in both are spectacular. My favorite colors so that adds to them. Would like to see them hanging in person.
These are glorious ! Colour, movement, excitement, atmosphere.....beautiful little gems. What else is there?