WEEKLY ART EVENT, January 21-28


Well-known member
Welcome to the Weekly Art Event!

The prompt for this week is: PET

If you would like to be inspired by a group of reference images, click on the link: Tutorial: How to Find Copyright-Free Reference Images

Create some art that is inspired by this week's prompt. Let your imagination soar. Turn on your creative juices.

All media and styles are welcome (drawing, painting, digital, photography, sculpture, multi-media, representational, abstract, etc.). It can be something done quickly, a finished work of art or anything in between. It can be created from your imagination, from life or a photo reference. If you use a photo reference, please make sure it has no applicable copyright restrictions.

Post your finished (or unfinished) art in this thread. Post any time during the week. The event runs from Friday to Friday. If you're a little late, just post when you are finished.

Tell us a little about the work if you so desire. For example, you could include the medium you used, where you got your inspiration or how long it took. When you post, it's always nice to "like" or comment on posts made earlier in the thread by other artists. We all like acknowledgement of our work!

Let the prompt spark your creativity. The most important thing is to have fun.

If you would like to provide a weekly prompt, sign up here.
Im going to use this "Pets" prompt to make a new portrait of my dog "Pippa". Havent made portrait of her this year, so its time I put a bit more effort into her portrait - not just a pet, but my best friend. We'll see how it turns out - might take a few days, as she's not keen on me drawing her!
Thanks, Anne.

Viv, a new painting of Pippa will be really good to see.

i am off to have a think.
Here is one I already have. I will ponder on something new. This is pen with coloured pencils and pastels.

Very nice "best friend" painting Penny. I like the ink with the colored pencil and pastels.

I have a reference picked out but I haven't started it yet.

I love your "Pet" computer. I didn't even think of that! I remember them although we didn't get one. Our first computer was a TRS 80.
Thank you Anne. You were an early bird with computers! I must have heard or read of the PET As it came to mind when I saw the prompt. I didn’t get my first computer until the middle 80’s, if I remember correctly.

I’m looking forward to what you have in mind.
Penny - Ive always loved that painting of you and Indy. It shows the love and trust between you both. Did you get it framed? If not, you should! Ive never heard of a PET computer, but well done to think of it.

Anne - looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Thanks you very much, Viv. Yes, I have it in a frame on a table, along with Sweetie’s photo and one of Indy. My pastel of Sweetie is on another little table, with the telephone. I need to take that out of the frame and correct an error I made. When I’ve done that, I will post it on CS. It is on the first pastel I did.
You’ve captured his lovely expression. Very well done, Anne. He is lovely.
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Anne - Beautiful drawing of the sleepy dog! He's gorgeous, and I would love to give him a big hug.
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Hi folks, I've been looking at your events over the past few weeks and finally had time to join in.

This is from a photo of Pip. he's an old boy now but as a kitten he was constantly up to mischief and this was one of his favourite games, hiding behind the curtain and suddenly poking his head out. It's done in graphite and charcoal pencil on cartridge paper, approx 4 x 9 ins, Sorry, poor photo, bit shaky.

pip peeping.jpg
Penny, that's a lovely best friend painting and I like the 'left field' response to the prompt with the computer.

Anne, what a gorgeous boy, you've really caught his adorable expression
Hi folks, I've been looking at your events over the past few weeks and finally had time to join in.

This is from a photo of Pip. he's an old boy now but as a kitten he was constantly up to mischief and this was one of his favourite games, hiding behind the curtain and suddenly poking his head out. It's done in graphite and charcoal pencil on cartridge paper, approx 4 x 9 ins, Sorry, poor photo, bit shaky.

View attachment 17853
He’s so sweet, Sue. I love seeing him and am pleased you joined in.
Penny, that's a lovely best friend painting and I like the 'left field' response to the prompt with the computer.

Anne, what a gorgeous boy, you've really caught his adorable expression
Thanks very much, Sue.
Thank you very much, OleKobe. My dog is named “Indy”. What is the name of your boy/girl?