WIP (cat)


Supporting Member
I'm back at one of those times when I have no time (like when was it any different?) so I only have a minute here and a minute there to do art. That's when I fall back on pencil or colored pencil and sometimes scratchboard because I can lay them aside without paint drying on the palette. I started playing with this cat drawing because I have to do art for my mental well being. I'll post this as a WIP so you can see that there is no rhyme or reason for my process, I just do it. :giggle:



So you can see I've still got a long way to go. Also I have a commission to start work on so it may be a long time before I'm there. This is a mixture of colored pencil and graphite.
Snoball, it's a spectacular start, it's nice to see the wip phases, I'm sorry you don't have time to make art, but I'm happy that you will look for a few seconds here and there to make this work and also to show it to us, thank you, I love your art .
Thank you everyone. I'm sorry I can't thank each one individually right now but I do read all the comments and appreciate them all. I started on the commission today so I haven't done a lot more on this one yet. I hope to squeeze in a bit here and there though, and finish this. Thanks again. ❤️❤️❤️
I fully understand your predicament!!! You have done a lot so far and it's absolutely stunning. At least when you work, you are not rushing through it and you still do your best sno. It shows. Gorgeous. Keep your mental wellbeing intact. It's so important and you make such lovely things when you do. ♥️
Great drawing! The light in those eyes…wooo. Beautiful how some animals eyes reflect light.
I fully understand your predicament!!! You have done a lot so far and it's absolutely stunning. At least when you work, you are not rushing through it and you still do your best sno. It shows. Gorgeous. Keep your mental wellbeing intact. It's so important and you make such lovely things when you do. ♥️
I missed replying to you Arty, I assure you that it wasn't intentional. I thank you for the kind words. I'm about to finish this thing up while working on a commission at the same time, plus lots of appointments for me, hubby, sister and the dogs. :giggle: